The demands being placed on your time are probably greater than they’ve ever been. To manage this effectively requires a steady commitment to finding work-life balance and to thinking differently about how you can find your center of renewal, moment-to-moment,...
Do you feel burdened at work, or like you’re doing more than your share? You may be over-functioning. Taking more responsibility than is reasonable or realistic is sign of over-functioning. If you’re a leader or a hard worker and your tendency is to jump in and do the...
Think back to the last time you felt REALLY threatened. Did you feel a haze of confusion set in? A feeling of being frozen? Your mind in temporary lock-down? Obsessing over something you said or did? Unreasonable black/white conclusions? Trying so hard to be right...
When you’re thinking clearly and feeling fully, you’ll often make your best decisions. A clear head and full heart leads to well-considered choices that you can stand behind with confidence. When your head informs your heart, and your heart offers its special brand of...
When you recognize and take ownership of your value, you strengthen the foundation for your confidence. Your value can be viewed in two ways; as relative and as intrinsic. Relative Value Your relative value is conditional. It’s established through social and economic...
You’re zooming along with your daily activities and notice that something feels off, not quite right. It’s a vague feeling, one that says you’re getting thrown off balance. Maybe it’s a feeling of irritability, fatigue or being easily distracted. You could just...
When a relationship has a powerful effect on something really important to you, it’s a vital relationship, and one that is central to your success and well-being. These relationships need extra attention and care. Is the Relationship Pivotal? When you look around for...
Someone asks you to do something that tweaks your sense of obligation. It could be a favor. It could be a contribution to a good cause. Maybe you feel manipulated. That sneaky feeling of obligation should put you on red alert to take a moment to pause. Think about...
You’ve heard the saying, “Don’t put all your eggs in one basket”. This is meant to keep us from foolishly investing everything into one desired outcome. Sage advice. Now let’s look at the basket differently. Think of the basket as you....
Things are not always what they appear to be. Familiar interpretations of what is going on around you can often limit performance and growth. Because so many well-worn stories can hold you back, it’s useful to bring them into question and consider a new perspective....